The Struggle with Pride

"T hough the LORD be lofty, yet hath he reverences unto the lowly: but the haughty he knows from afar," the Bible states (Psalms. 138:6). Someone who is exalted, arrogant, high, haughty, or lofty is described as proud. Whatever others may think, God clearly recognizes when we are proud, and there are numerous negative consequences of pride according to Scripture. We must remember what God thinks of pride in our hearts and His response to it, regardless of who openly exalts themselves or quietly becomes great in their own eyes. It is a SIN that leads to shame, conflict, ruin, and more if it is not repented of and reversed. None of this assists us in fulfilling our purpose or pleasing God. The purpose is to elevate, magnify, and lift up GOD, not ourselves. Here are some ways to help If you identify any pride in your heart and find yourself making it more about self and less about God. James 4:6-7 1. Understand God’s Position When we are prideful, we must u...