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When God Seems Distant

  W hy Do We Feel as If God Isn't Present? When it comes to our faith in God, we are often guided by our feelings or emotions, which can lead to disappointment when it appears that God isn't present in our lives. Unanswered prayer, unfavorable events, or even betrayal by someone close to you can all cause you to believe that God has abandoned you. But, because God has promised that He would never leave us or forsake us, we may rest assure He is always with us, whether we are dealing with a difficult situation or just simply too preoccupied to perceive His presence. We all know that God is all-powerful. We also know that He is present, in some way, in all situations. When something bad happens to us, it can be difficult to understand why. Why does a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people? To begin to understand this, we have to first consider the fact that everything that happens to us is a reflection of something within us. Although circumstances may seem