When God Seems Distant

 Why Do We Feel as If God Isn't Present?

When it comes to our faith in God, we are often guided by our feelings or emotions, which can lead to disappointment when it appears that God isn't present in our lives. Unanswered prayer, unfavorable events, or even betrayal by someone close to you can all cause you to believe that God has abandoned you. But, because God has promised that He would never leave us or forsake us, we may rest assure He is always with us, whether we are dealing with a difficult situation or just simply too preoccupied to perceive His presence.

We all know that God is all-powerful. We also know that He is present, in some way, in all situations. When something bad happens to us, it can be difficult to understand why. Why does a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people?

To begin to understand this, we have to first consider the fact that everything that happens to us is a reflection of something within us.

Although circumstances may seem bad, they are actually a message from God if we are willing to listen. Bad things happen to help guide us and to make our path a little smoother. If we take the bad things that happen to us too personally, we may become resentful or bitter. However, if we view bad things as lessons and learnings, they aren't as bad after all. The truth is, everything happens for a reason. If we can just tune into that reason, we can feel a little less anxious, a little more at peace.

 Why Doesn’t God Answer Our Prayers?

 One of the most difficult challenges we face is the apparent nonexistence of God when we are faced with desperate situations or painful adversities. We may even ask ourselves why God allows bad things to happen to good people. How can we get through this? And why doesn’t God answer our prayers?

The answer to these questions lies in the understanding that prayer is not a one-way street. Prayer is a two-way conversation. We can't just talk to God; we also have to listen for an answer.

If we are asking God to do something He has already done, then He has answered our prayer. When we don’t feel better, there is no difference in God answering our prayers again or answering them a third time. If we are just waiting for God to make everything right, He has already done so. Sometimes, we just have to trust that He is in control and that He has a plan.

 When we begin to seek God with all our heart, He will not be hard to find. All we have to do is open ourselves up to receive Him in our lives.

We may feel that God is trying to speak to us, but if we don't pay attention, He will remain silent. We have to be present for God to communicate with us. If we are only looking for answers from God when we are in need of solutions, He will remain silent.

When we are in need of answers, we can open ourselves up to receive them by simply asking God these questions:


  • Where do you want me to be in my life?
  • How should I react to this situation?
  • How should I spend my time?
  • What else should I be doing?


Although bad things happen to us, we should remember that they are only temporary. We have the ability to make them good or bad, and the choice is up to us. We can either remain attached to the past or we can press on to create a better future. Bad things do not last forever and neither do we.

 We are all imperfectly perfect, and our imperfections make us who we are. Bad things happen to us so that we can learn to be stronger and more compassionate. God doesn't want us to be consumed by them; He wants us to use them as steppingstones to become who He created us to be.

 Ultimately, no matter how difficult a situation or how much we doubt, the most important thing is to keep our faith. We may not feel or see the presence of God, but He is always there. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us, and I believe this with all my heart.



emilya said…
This is all so very true, PRAISE THE LORD.