Being Sensitive to The Voice of God

N o one wants to be plagued by failures and or disappointments in life, so we all strive to avoid making mistakes. However, as humans it’s impossible to never make mistakes. Even the most intelligent people on earth have their shares of mistakes and failures. But as d evoted Christians this brings us closer to God as a result of those failures. We sincerely pray and ask God for wisdom in our circumstances, to make right choses in accordance with His will. What About When God Doesn’t Speak? While it may be true some believers blame God for their circumstances, is it not true that God cares for his children? We can tend to blame God for wrong decisions or bad circumstance but the question is do we stop to ask God for wisdom in our decision making and trust him in every area of our lives? One of the reasons why we Christians make mistakes is we fail to listen when God speaks. We can get bombarded by problems in our daily life that we cannot hear his still voice. Also, if we o...