Pride Vs Humility

Everyone likes to take selfies, whether of themselves, with someone they know or even with a celebrity. That is great. However, there are other types of selfies, and these are what I like to call selfies of pride. To name a few, there is self-gratification, self-justification, self-denial, self-security, self-absorbed, self-righteous, self- perseverance, self-exaltation. just to name a few. Not only do these types of selfies hinder our spiritual growth, it takes our focus off God and places dependency on self. Ironic, the only “good selfie” is self-control, and that only comes from depending on God. The real question is, how does God see these? When we pray do we ask God to rid us of pride or do we pray selfishly? Even when we try to conceal pride we must remember God sees the pride of our heart. Pride is SIN and if not dealt with can lead to shame, strife, ruin, and other negative consequences. Our goal is to please God, to exalt him and magnify him, not ourselves. ...