The Fullness of God is in You

Have you ever questioned yourself why it's so difficult for me to feel complete? We've all felt incomplete, worthless, or hopeless at one point in our lives. The apostle Paul claims that we can be "filled up to all the fullness of God." Ephesians: 3:19 What does this mean?
Only God can bring life to fulfilment. Many of us look to material things as comfort only to still feel inadequate or incomplete. Being filled with God's fullness is being aware of and yielding to God's presence, power and spiritual authority, living with moral excellence and character. That is God’s desires for us and his purpose for us. Only then can our individual lives be fulfilled.

Being a Christian doesn't automatically make us feel complete. Fullness comes only when we experience God's love for us. I always knew that the Lord loved me but never experienced it in my life until I surrendered all to him. As I mature spiritually and become more intimate with him, the more I feel the security of his love for me. Although I may still struggle at times, I am discovering great joy in walking in obedience to His will. I know I can trust him to fulfill all my needs in his timing and manner.


Have you ever experienced God's love, or is this just a biblical fact for you? If you long for wholeness, the key is to experience an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is possible only when you're willing to open up and let the Lord search your heart. He will reveal what's holding you back from accepting His love.

Prayer: Father God, as I live this life’s journey have me to trust and rely completely on you and you only. In Jesus name, Amen! 

Philippians 1:6

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
