What does it mean to be perfect and blameless towards God?
looks for the hearts who are perfect and blameless towards him.
Earlier in my life, I used to think I had to be a perfect person in order to satisfy God, but I admit, I misunderstood the meaning behind this. When we read the scripture that says God’s eyes roam to and from looking for someone in whom he might show himself strong I always thought, I got to do better. Then I finally grasped the true meaning and definition of what it means to be perfect. What does it mean to be blameless and perfect in your heart? It entails a sincere, heartfelt desire to do what’s right and pleasing to God.
Earlier in my life, I used to think I had to be a perfect person in order to satisfy God, but I admit, I misunderstood the meaning behind this. When we read the scripture that says God’s eyes roam to and from looking for someone in whom he might show himself strong I always thought, I got to do better. Then I finally grasped the true meaning and definition of what it means to be perfect. What does it mean to be blameless and perfect in your heart? It entails a sincere, heartfelt desire to do what’s right and pleasing to God.
When we have a perfect heart toward
God it demonstrates that we are sincerely love him, despite our imperfections.
We would still have to deal with fleshly issues like saying inappropriate
things, making mistakes, and even losing our cool, but thank God we have the
ability to repent and make things right with God by his grace. We can also
humble ourselves and apologize if we offend someone.
If we have a perfect heart towards God we can count on him to work with us
while that perfection is manifested more and more in our lives. I know I am not
a perfect person, but I do believe I have a perfect heart towards him and seek
more after him and his ways. I also believe there are things within my heart
that needs to be exposed and rooted out as I desire more of him. I also believe
God holds us responsible for only those things we are aware of so I don’t have
to have a perfect performance. Of course, there are still things in my life I
wish I do not do but I love God with all my heart.
There are many people
with right hearts and those are the ones God wants to use for his glory. Keep
working on the things you need to work on in your life and while you are at it,
keep a perfect heart towards God.
Isaiah 38:3
Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted
devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.”
Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.”