Spending Time in God's Presence

I s God a true priority in our life, or do we use the excuse that our busy schedules prevent us from doing so? Many of us, I believe, struggle in our relationship with God because we are sometimes fatigued by our real obligations or too preoccupied with what we believe is more essential to us. God is well aware of the BUSY activities that might consume our time. Work, relationships, studies, caring for our children, and so on, but we must spend time in his presence in order to carry out his plan for our lives. He is our source of power and the only one who can genuinely assist us in completing the tasks required to function in this world? Recognizing God as our Creator and accepting His Lordship over our lives is the first step in making time for Him. When we make time for God and prioritize him in our lives, we will have more time for other worthwhile endeavors. A...