The Struggle with Pride

"Though the LORD be lofty, yet hath he reverences unto the lowly: but the haughty he knows from afar," the Bible states (Psalms. 138:6). Someone who is exalted, arrogant, high, haughty, or lofty is described as proud. Whatever others may think, God clearly recognizes when we are proud, and there are numerous negative consequences of pride according to Scripture.

We must remember what God thinks of pride in our hearts and His response to it, regardless of who openly exalts themselves or quietly becomes great in their own eyes. It is a SIN that leads to shame, conflict, ruin, and more if it is not repented of and reversed. None of this assists us in fulfilling our purpose or pleasing God. The purpose is to elevate, magnify, and lift up GOD, not ourselves.

Here are some ways to help If you identify any pride in your heart and find yourself making it more about self and less about God. James 4:6-7

1.     Understand God’s Position

When we are prideful, we must understand that we are inviting God's opposition. That Greek word for resist is defined as to oppose. You must begin to deal with pride by reminding yourself that in this situation, God will resist you! When we grow arrogant or pretend to be superior to others, we are putting ourselves against God. If you desire to love God and be used by Him, changing your attitude is a must!

2.     Humble Yourself

That while God resists the proud, He giveth grace to the humble. Those who bring themselves down God gives grace and favor to, and they can be used for his service. So, if you don’t want to be brought down by God because proud, humble yourself by the mighty hand of God. Recognizing you are nothing without God and that He deserves all the glory.

The Scripture states while God resists the proud, He gives grace to the humble. God grants mercy and favor to those who bring themselves low, that they might be used for his service. So, if you don't want to be brought low by God's powerful hand because you're proud, humble yourself. Recognize that you are nothing without God and that He is worthy of all praise.

3.     Submit Yourself to God

"Submit yourselves then to God," James 4:6-7, after describing God's answer to the haughty and humble. As a result, there is a conjunction, relating this mandate to what we just learned: SUBMIT YOURSELF TO GOD, for God resists the haughty and gives grace to the humble.

To submit means to place yourself under, be subject to, or obey. Surrendering also means yielding to someone's will or authority. When we submit ourselves to God, we do what He wants with His strength and therefore give Him all the credit. Pride pushes us to take the lead or the glory, but when we submit ourselves to God, we do what He wants with His power and thus give Him all the credit.

Pride can also force us to focus so much on SELF that we mistakenly believe we did the task on our own and that we are unable to do what God has asked. Instead of doing your own thing or disobedience because you doubt God's capacity to utilize you, submit yourself to God. Give yourself over to Him. Don't let pride lead to a struggle between your will and God's will. Bring yourself low, surrender to God, and accept His commands!

4.     Resist the Devil

1 Timothy 3:1-7 lays out the requirements for those who desire the office of a bishop. In 1 Timothy 3:6, the Bible says one thing he cannot be: “Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he falls into the condemnation of the devil.” If he is a young convert, he could fall into the condemnation of the devil.

Remember God's viewpoint on pride, humble yourself, submit to God, and reject the devil.  You can fulfill God's purpose and finish the work He has entrusted you to do if you humble yourself.


homwardbound said…
2 Cor 12:7-10
thank you and when I get prideful, I am elated now to get buffeted to not be haughty and think I know
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