
Showing posts from April, 2022

Where Would You Be Tomorrow?

    "W hy am I single when all my friends are married?" you might wonder. or "How come we can't have children while my friend has five?" or "Why am I suffering from this terrible sickness while all of my friends are fine?"   One day, we'll get answers to all of our questions. God will one day restore all we've lost in this life in Heaven. The Bible guarantees that those who have suffered will be restored. "They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection," Hebrews 11:35 states of outstanding men and women of faith who changed the world (NLT).   We devote all of our attention on this life, yet there is a hereafter that will last indefinitely. Even if it is long, life on Earth is very brief. "How can you know what your life will be like tomorrow?" James 4:14 asks. Your existence is like the morning fog—it appears for a brief while and then vanishes" (NLT). Then there's the afterlife.   Are yo

Seeking God Wholeheartedly

W e are living in the most tumultuous period in human history. Do you have a sense of it? Every day, it appears that the pressure is increasing. But God is unfazed by any of it. We are living at this very moment for a reason. He has faith in us, and we are the ones He intends to bless and employ. He desires for us to walk under the most powerful anointing the world has ever known! To do so, we must be consecrated to Him in a way we have never been before. This entails separating ourselves from sin and pursuing a closer relationship with God. How do we go about doing that? By dedicating time to Him and seeking Him with all of our hearts. Consecration is a decision to devote yourself to God's worship, prayer, and service. "To connect by force with the sacred," the word "consecrated" actually means. God has foreseen these events for a long time. He has a strategy! You, and anybody else who is willing to dedicate their lives to Him, are included in His plan. He is

When God Seems Distant

  W hy Do We Feel as If God Isn't Present? When it comes to our faith in God, we are often guided by our feelings or emotions, which can lead to disappointment when it appears that God isn't present in our lives. Unanswered prayer, unfavorable events, or even betrayal by someone close to you can all cause you to believe that God has abandoned you. But, because God has promised that He would never leave us or forsake us, we may rest assure He is always with us, whether we are dealing with a difficult situation or just simply too preoccupied to perceive His presence. We all know that God is all-powerful. We also know that He is present, in some way, in all situations. When something bad happens to us, it can be difficult to understand why. Why does a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people? To begin to understand this, we have to first consider the fact that everything that happens to us is a reflection of something within us. Although circumstances may seem

5 Reasons For Showing God Gratitude

  S ometimes we find ourselves complaining about a situation that cannot be changed so we become discontent or upset because life isn’t as we expected it to be. I invite you to remember to be grateful and thankful at all times. Below are 5 reasons to be thankful   1.        Gratitude glorifies God If we love God as we say we do, this alone should ignite a burning desire in us to always be thankful. A grateful heart glorifies God, as it exalts him just for who he is and not for the blessing he bestows upon us. Gratitude helps us realize all we have comes from God alone. 2.        Gratitude helps us see God Our spiritual eyes are opened when we have a grateful heart. Giving God thanks has a lovely cycle: the more we thank Him, the more we desire to spend time with Him, and the more we see Him at work in and around us. Gratitude helps us sense God’s presence, his personal care and His perfect timing. 3.        Gratitude helps in seeing God's will clearly When it comes to Go

The Living Hope Within You

  S top looking outside yourself for strength to carry on and turn to the indwelling presence of Christ within. My Christian life resembled a roller coaster for many years—up one minute, down the next. Instead of making progress, I had more failures than successes throughout my life. Have you ever had a similar experience? Many Christians believe that living a Christian life consists of doing things like going to church, reading the Bible, praying, and serving. While this is true, we must remember that we have the holy, sovereign God abiding within us and that we can draw strength from him in times of need.   The power we need to live the Christian life isn't given to us from on high, but rather from within you, every believer's life, as a result of Christ's indwelling presence. The holy spirit, whom Jesus promised would always be with us, was to be our helper.   As the Lord understands, our human frailties and limited power make us unfit to practice the Christian life.